Intensifying Your Creations

"We move towards the pictures we constantly hold in our minds."  ~ Jerry Clark

You are constantly creating, whether you know it or not. You create your life through your feelings, your conscious and unconscious beliefs, and your goals and attitudes.

Every thought is a creation and it has consequences. Since we all have many conflicting thoughts, beliefs and emotions it can lead to mixed-up, conflicting, and confusing life situations. For this reason, choosing to consciously create your life is optimal.

You influence how the creation of your life unfolds in its myriad of forms. Your emotionally charged thoughts are creative acts. This why it is important to make conscious all that you think, believe and want.

All conscious creativity should begin with eliminating misconceptions and destructive attitudes. Once your misconceptions are removed, you can actively create more desirable experiences, more creative self-expression, and more joy and peace.

Concise intention contributes to the intensity of your creation process. If you feel doubt about your desired intention, it is an immediate sign that you must deal with what is unconsciously blocking you. Your attention should be always be turned towards uncovering your unconscious negativity first.

Your conscious intentions must reconcile and align with your unconscious desires. The unity between your conscious and unconscious mind germinates the seed of your creation. With a unified consciousness, your new creation will slowly and surely unfold.


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